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Why A Skilled Wallcovering Installer Is Essential To The Paper Manufacturer
The following is a guest blog written by Sarah Schwartz from Sarah and Ruby, a California design studio specializing in hand painted domino-style sheet wallpaper. As a boutique wallpaper and design studio, we value skilled artisan work. All of our wallpaper is made by hand. Our block printed wallpaper is meticulously imprinted with hand-carved blocks […]
Chic Designs Minus the Headache: Adhesive Wallpaper Options
What professional wallcovering installer doesn’t love a good before and after a la HGTV? There aren’t many that don’t love a big reveal. For the professional in charge of taking a drab wall – where paint just wouldn’t cut it – and transforming it into a precise, exquisitely designed, paperhanging, the before and after the […]
How to Level Up in the Wallpaper Hanging Industry: A Fresh Perspective
As a former kitchen renovator and now a wallpaper installer, Nancy Beans has a lot to share about her experience thus far in the wallcovering industry. Focused on networking, education, and experience, Nancy credits much of her success to her membership and the community within Wallcovering Installers Association. This is an account of Nancy’s honest […]
Mastering Muslin: A Wallpaper Hanger’s Guide to Muslin
As a wallcovering installer, we are faced with mastering the latest materials that are coming out into the market. We are at the mercy of our fellow manufacturers and the materials, trends, and types of paper they come out with each year. For this reason, wallpaper hanging will never be a boring trade. It won’t […]
Establishing a Wallet-Friendly Marketing Framework Can Grow Your Business.
Marketing isn’t a prerequisite for wallcovering installation. In fact, the two don’t always mesh well together. As artists, some wallcovering installers don’t immediately see the value in selling and marketing themselves and their work. While “the work speaks for itself” is a valid statement, it loses its weight if the work isn’t seen outside of […]
What It Means To Be A Mentor: Bridge The Gap to New Wallpaper Installers
The membership of WIA will decrease by 63% over the next eight years. The majority of the professional-level wallcovering installers are between the ages of 48 and 58. They can see the exit on the horizon. We should be wondering who’s going to come up behind these talented veterans and take the trade to the […]
Exclusive Insights From Amy Anderson, Apprentice to Heidi Wright Mead
We wanted insight into where the wallcovering industry is going, where new installers are finding their inspiration, and how the Wallcovering Installers Association can keep up and meet the needs of new installers. Creatives, hands-on crafters, and students graduating in design fields looking for a unique career, as well as seasoned professionals looking for new […]
WIA Member Spotlight: David Cook of D’Franco Finishes
We were excited to track down David Cook, WIA member and wallcovering installer of five years, to learn more about his business and how he’s set himself up for success. We were thoroughly impressed with his attention to his business and how he’s applied the latest digital growth tactics to his overall marketing plan. If […]
Los Angeles Members Adam and Danielle Segura Talk Commercial Wallcovering
Graphic Installations, Inc. is a leader in environmental and architectural installation in southern California. We took a minute to speak with owners Adam and Danielle Segura of Graphic Installations, Inc. this week to understand where they fit into to the custom wallcovering installation business. The Graphic Installations Inc. powerhouse tackling nuanced substrates from glass film, […]